Sunday, 17 November 2019

Mr and Ms Bennt of the corrupt "huddersfield examiner" become bent police for a day

Mr and Ms Bennt (Andrew Robinson and Emma Davison of "The Examiner") Become Police for a day and interfere with the course of justice.
Their mission - to rescue the pedophiles and prevent filming of the child grooming gang in the caliphate-controlled area of Crosland Moor, Huddersfield.
Furious at the recent explosion of a child abuser's ISIS cave they set out to wreak revenge on the human race.

Find out more in the Jihadi Islam-in-her (examiner live)...

Featuring PC "Taliban" Hussain..

Friday, 30 August 2019

Huddersfield Examiner Live reporter Emma Davison acting very suspiciously #examiner #examinerlive

Here we can plainly see Emma Davison ( sneaking outside my home minutes before I was wrongly arrested:

1179-20141008084540 from Mark Fisher on Vimeo.

Later in the series, we can see that the officers illegally entered my house after I had been detained - they must have stolen the keys from my property bag, which would explain their reason for arresting me in the first place.

We can prove that they entered the property, even though I locked the door securely, because the floor shakes, and this could only happen had someone banged the upstairs door - presumably when they noticed the camera.

Here's the rest of the videos: